Monday, September 28, 2009

College applications video... fun?

Hey guys, I haven't been on here in a while but I need some response on a video I just made.
I'm applying to colleges, and since I want t o go into a film program I have to submit a video along with my application...
If anyone could watch and give me any feedback or criticism or anything, it would mean alot! Thank you!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Where SGP fans unite...

So, i've got an interesting story of the day for you guys...

I was getting ready to go out today, and I was in a rush because I had a bunch of errands to run, and I was basically throwing on any clothes I could find in my room. I happened to have one of my SGP shirts sitting on the dresser, so I threw it on (very proudly, might I add).
Since it was an INCREDIBLY nice day, I didn't even need a jacket, and I could show off my shirt to anyone who has the ability to read quickly as I come rushing by (I am quite the speed walker when on a mission). Anyways, I went to the market first (or grocery store, or supermarket, or whatever) and I was basically focused on getting out fast because of everything on my mind. I was grabbing some fiji apples when I hear someone ask from behind me "Southern Gothic Productions?" and since I basically respond to those three words as my birth name by now, I quickly turned around with a grin on my face. I had never seen this guy before, which was odd, because I come from a pretty small town and most people I see at the market are people I know. The conversation basically went like this
Me: "YES! Do you know of SoGoPro?"
Guy: "I have been following them for a little over a month now. I ordered a t-shirt recently as well. They look nice."
"Yeah, I have a few! I'm glad you bought one though. It's so awesome to hear of so many people supporting them. They are going to make something great...."

and then we introduced ourselves. He said his name was Chris? If i remember correctly, but he is not part of the chat, he said. He said he was from out of state (someone try to convince me it WASN'T fate that brought us to fuji apples at the same time.. it won't work) and he is involved in the film industry in some way, and got introduced to the production company by a friend who's daughter told him about it? Chris said he didn't know of Hilarie beforehand, either, which was cool that SGP is spreading besides just with an OTH audience.
I was still in a rush so I couldn't talk much longer, but it was so awesome to meet another SGP fan face to face. He was genuinely into the company and it was cool to be able to have a conversation with someone who sees the same things I do. 

What a small, small world :)

love always,
Nicole T

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How 'bout that P.E.?

Physical education? no.
Psychic experience? yes.

So, being inspired by SGP, I decided to find a loca
l psychic to get a reading done. I knew of one near me, but I wasn't sure about it, so I was talking to my friend's family friend, who happens to be a psychic (not a paid one, but probably could be), and she travels all over to meet with psychics, and it turns out that the one near me happened to be very reliable, so I decided to go to her.
(Just to throw it out there, I totally rocked my SGP shirt there. I was planning on possibly taking a picture, but that didn't happen :( )

Anyways, I decided to get a tarot card readin
g done, because it was the cheapest and was the "walk-in special."
So, when I was shuffling the cards, one fell on the ground, because these cards were HUGE and I have pretty tiny hands... and she gave me this look like that card was going to curse me... and I tried to look at it, but I didn't want to make a big deal, but now I wish I knew what it was..

The first thing she told me was that I was going to live a very long life, which I was very happy about. I always had this fear of going into a reading to hear that you are going to die within 24 hours...
and then for the next 5 minutes she talked about all this confusion and decision weighing and communication issues in my life that I won't get into on here and bore you all to death.

ANYWAYS, the important part...
At the end, since it was just a light reading, I could ask the cards one questions, so I asked about my future career path, and whether I will continue further into film, as I am focused on it right now...
now, let me fill you in on some background knowledge.
I have been focused on film for a while now. I am still not completely decided on what aspect of film I would like to work in. My dream job is a music supervisor, but since that is a very hard job to achieve, I have been in search of a job that will keep me on set, but also doing something that I love. 
now back to the psychic.
when I asked her this question. she instantaneously said "no." just like that.
then she followed up that I might continue in the industry, but not where I think I want to be right now. She proceeded to tell me about how I am attracted to film because I am a person who lives inside my head, kind of like fantasy... which is true, in a way.
but then she went on to say.... "I am feeling another job though.. Have you ever thought about writing?"

Writing. a.k.a. the occupation I wrote about in my last post.
It was just freaky because I had been thinking alot about that recently.

Now, I'm a pretty determined person. I am also stubborn, and love proving people wrong. so when she tells me that I'm not going to do it, I want to prove fate wrong.
Then again, she also told me that "there would be a distractor who will pull you away from your career choice, and tell you it's not the correct one..." .... oh, irony....

there's my rambling. enjoy.

Nicole T

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Back to boring personal posts...

Whew. I haven't posted in forever. I decided that since I am going to delete all the transcripts off this site to lead people to the new one... (SHAMELESS ADVERTISING).. that maybe I should do something exciting here to liven it up.
I know it won't be as exciting as the wonderfully hilarious transcripts BUT here it goes...

So, I have been meaning to do a post based off a quote for almost a month now but never got around to it.
It's a quote by an awesome writer who has inspired me crazy amounts recently..
Many of you might know him...
This quote came to me one night in the SGP chat when he was wonderful enough to stop by. I wrote it down the second I read it because it just sparked something in me. I can't explain it.. do you know what I mean? Anyways, we were talking about good writing or something along those lines.. or muses.. or whatever SoGoPro chat people tend to talk about... and he said...

"...and that is often how something completely random becomes something completely pertinent in these little words..."
-Nicholas Gray

and something about that quote just touched me. I think it was feeding to the writer in me. I grew up reading novels all the time(in fact, I started reading chapter books at such a young age that some stranger from Princeton saw me reading once and wanted to conduct tests on me. true story. My dad walked away muttering something about a lab rat...). I always seemed to find more comfort in the worlds of Boxcar Children or Ethiopian princesses or whatever I was reading about that day than in the world I was actually living in. And that was why I always wanted to be a writer. On the first day of Second grade, we had to write our hopes and dreams for the school year on a sheet of paper, and wrote "I want to write a book so I can give little girls a fun world to go into."... and that has been my dream ever since.
But when I grew up, I found out that there was such a thing as the Arts that extended far beyond just writing. I could express myself through song or dance or film or painting... and that was when I truly fell in love with movie-making and television and just anything to do with film. Now I could show people that world I was always comfortable in.
So, since then, I have been working towards getting involved in the film business, and I guess, although it has always been in me, I kind of forgot about my original die-hard love for writing and reading.
And Nick's quote reminded me again of the power of words. Just simple words. Three words can make something "completely pertinent". 
and I love that.

so props to Nicholas. for being awesome.
heres to his year.

love always,

Thursday, April 9, 2009


so, as I have been promising for a while now, yet have been a lazy procrastinator, I have finally made the new official transcript website!

You can find the new and improved version here:

I hope that makes things a little less confusing...
In a little bit I will be permanently deleting the transcripts off of this blog. But for now, I am going to keep them on just in case.

I will get back to personal blogs here, if that is alright with all of you. Feel free to stay whenever!

love always,
Nicole T

Monday, March 9, 2009

Kids these days...

Hey guys.

First of all, I would like to point you to something new I added to the blog. I felt bad making new posts with the SGP transcripts on here, because I feel like if people came here to read them they won't be able to find them, so I added quick links to the specific blog entry on the right. I am debating whether to make a separate blog? That would probably be better right? Tell me what you think.
But anyways, I am hoping for a new SGP vlog soon because I am dying with nothing to transcribe!

So now to the real reason of my post. I should definitely NOT be posting right now but I am the master procrastinator. And something has been bothering me all day today.
Yesterday I was reading an article with some actress ( I am already forgetting the name... oh lord its been a long day), and she was talking about body image in America today, especially among young girls. And how girls are constantly looking up to the women they see in the media who are either stick thin, or constantly airbrushed in every picture of them. And it makes me so angry because, honestly, most of those women are not REAL! Or at least not what their pictures portray them as. Even those actresses who promote body image and are truly beautiful without being photoshopped are airbrushed for photo shoots.
It has such an effect on the personal images that young girls have on themselves. I should know, because I am one! One of my best friends had an eating disorder two years ago. I wasn't friends with her at the time, but thinking about what she went through makes my heart break. She is gorgeous, and has a completely normal (and damn near perfect) body, and I can't imagine her ever wanting to change anything about herself. I hate to think of any of my friends thinking they are ugly, and especially not to the point where they want to starve themselves because of it. Just live life, you know? You might as well enjoy the bread, now.
But why do us girls have this constant need to look perfect, anyways? And who defines perfect? Are we doing it to get more guys? Because, let's be honest, once you find "that guy" he is not gonna care what you look like because he has already fallen in love with YOU. (BTW, I feel like most girls think GUYS define "perfect." This is so not true, and people need to stop thinking it. Only you decide what's perfect.) So maybe its so we can be seen as beautiful by other girls? I think what most of us don't realize is that we all have the same issues with our bodies. When girls bring other girls down about their appearances its most likely a form of self-defense about our own view of ourselves anyways. 
So the last thing left is that we want to look perfect for ourselves. I feel like thats always the main reason why women are so obsessed with our image. We want to feel beautiful. And if we lack the self esteem to convince ourselves that we all are beautiful, then we are forced to rely on others, such as guys and girls, which brings us full circle back to the other reasons I mentioned.
It drives me crazy to think that the entertainment industry promotes such unhealthy body images. I wish I could say they don't realize the impact it has on girls, but the sad thing is that they obviously do. How is it possible that a size TWO is considered curvy in our society? The only size under that is a size zero... which isn't even a number. WHAT?
This whole issue frustrates me so much. I just wish every girl out there had one of those girlfriends who can always be counted on to make them feel awesome no matter what, you know? Or maybe a boyfriend who assures them that they are beautiful.
I try to be that girl for my friends, but it's not always easy on those days when you are lacking the usual self-esteem as well. But I guess that is what friends are for!
so GIRLS, if i were to give you any assignment this week, it would be to make your friends feel beautiful at some random moment. It may be cheesy, but hey, you never know when you can make someone's day! (and boys, you can do it too. ;] )

Love always,
Nicole T

check out Dove's Campaign For Real Beauty and look up statistics in the city near you. 
It's pretty shocking. In Philadelphia, the MAJORITY of girls reported that they engaged in negative activities such as disordered eating, cutting, bullying, smoking, or drinking when feeling bad about themselves....

... i guess my writer's block is over.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Gonna use my, my, my imagination"

Soooo, I have had so much time the last couple nights to post a blog, and I was really excited to post one because it has been a while, but every freaking time I opened a new post to write something, my mind just went blank. I have apparently lost all writing abilities. 
I think I need a new SGP vlog to transcribe so I can pretend I have something to write... (*points everyone towards previous post*)

anyways... Miss Hilarie Burton posted yet another lovely message on the blog today (*exaggerated pointing towards previous link*).... and all the SGP followers have been posting more lovely posts about their best friends... so I figured I would give it a go because I obviously don't have the imagination right now to write anything else...

If I was to choose my best friend, I know for a fact who I would choose. My best friend Jackie and I have known each other since 3rd grade, but didn't become best friends until 7th grade. It's weird how someone you have known for years can suddenly become your best friend. BUT, i don't ask questions, because now I have her, and I love having someone I can count on no matter what. She is beautiful, kind, caring, and unique, and, although she doesn't usually see that in herself, I hope she knows that I will always be there to tell it to her! We have been through so much, and I can never thank her enough :)
if i wasnt having multiple issues with blogger right now i would post sentimental photos... but i'm sure i will update with some later.

I am blessed with many many close friends as well! and if i had all the time in the world I would so tell you bout all of them...

and i love all my SGP friends =].... and quick shoutout... ALI YOU ARE AMAZING. you might kill me for that... but you inspire us as well, and you need to give yourself more credit, girl!

love always,
Nicole T

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Hey guys! So I have been totally busy with crappy busy work, and I haven't been on here alot, but I am hoping I will be able to post a bunch this week.
So over the last week, I became the official Southern Gothic Productions Transcripter! Basically, if you can't hear one of their video blogs, or you can't watch the video because of your stupid computer, don't panic! Because you know you can come here to find out all the information. I will always post the transcript the same day, and it will always be ASAP. I am SO glad I get this oppourtunity to help the SGP team out because I know they are going to go so far, and I know they are also super appreciative of all the fans who are supporting them, so keep visitng their site and commenting and letting them know that you are there for them! I can't wait to see the future of Kelly and Hilarie's dream!
so, without further ado....


Vlog #1: Introduction
Hilarie Burton: Are we rolling?
Nick Gray: Yes, indeed.
HB: Hi! I’m Hilarie Burton, you guys, and this is my very dear friend, Nick Gray.
NG: Hello.
HB: He wrote “Pedestrian” and right now Kelly is operating the camera, and if he was cool he’d turn the camera around and say hi. Do it!
[camera turns]
Kelly Tenney: Hi.
[camera turns back]
HB: Okay, so we are having like a little club meeting. Austin is back in LA. I’m gonna make him do our bidding out there. Yeah, we are talking about, you know, the meetings that we’ve had, stuff like that. Nick and I decided to show up today dressed in the same outfit. Blue plaid.
NG: Blue plaid.
HB: It looks really good though, right? Right? We have a lot of things in common, and we’ve just got along like twins [points to clothing] ever since we met, right?
NG: Kismet.
HB: Do you remember when we met?
NG: I remember when we met.
HB: Do you want to tell the kids the story?
NG: It was 1984…
HB: Yeah. [laughs]
NG: Yeah, I moved down here… when did I move down here? I moved down here…
HB: Was it 2005? Was it?
NG: Yeah, I think it was 2005. I had just done this crazy Manhattan trial, and decided to take a little break, down here in Wilmington!
HB: Where it’s beautiful, and we have trains, and like, farms and…
NG: It was such a secret, and then I found it. And then I moved to Chicago, and then I moved back again. But the first time I was here, I met Hilarie through a good friend of both of ours.
HB: Uh huh. I was friends with the lead singer in a band, and he had a girlfriend, and I was a third wheel, and so, he was like, ‘Come out to dinner. My girlfriend’s friend is gonna be there. You two can talk.’ So I show up, and there’s Nick! Aw, my sweetheart! Yeah, we got along really really well, and then I found out you’re a writer. Wasn’t it trivia night? At like, Copper Penny, or something?
NG: It was trivia night. We didn’t win.
HB: No, we’re not smart, but we are really cute and fun!
NG: We had a few good answers though.
HB: Yeah?
NG: Yeah.
HB: I can’t remember that shit. You’re the writer. [laughs] We will bleep that out later, or not. So yeah, you gave me a script for “Pedestrian” not too much longer than that, and I read it, and it was unreal. I get tons of scripts all the time, but this one was really really solid, and I brought it in to the production office of One Tree Hill and handed it around to some people, and Kelly, [pointing to camera] he’s grinning now, is the person that decided, yeah, this is really worthwhile. So, that’s our team, guys. Sometimes you just meet people in a bar and they change your life. You changed my life, Nick.
NG: Mhm. You have changed my life.
HB: [laughing] Alright we are gonna go make out later. See you guys!
Both: Bye!

Vlog #2: Nick and Hilarie and Southern Gothic part 1
[scan of graveyard, until Nick and Hilarie are seen on steps]
Hilarie Burton: Oh, hi guys! If you are wondering who the creepy kids, dressed in black, hanging out in the cemetery were in high school, they grew up to be us. It’s Hilarie, and Nick, hanging out.
Nick Gray: This isn’t the Oscars…
HB: No, you look fantastic, Nick!
NG: Thank you.
HB: Oh, you’re so welcome. So, we’ve been getting a lot of traffic on our blog website and we want to thank some of the people that are really driving it. We really appreciate everyone’s support. This is something that is near and dear to us. So we have Emma and Sue in the UK, you guys have been awesome. Titania in sunny Spain. We have Missa, in Montreal. Kimbaroo, that’s Nick personal favorite, in Belgium.
NG: Mhmm. Kimbaroo.
HB: Kimbaroo! Podcaster Denise. The YouTube girls Portia and Amber. Geoh and his white piano blogging on the Scratchpad. I like my piano so much better than regular pianos. That’s classy! Megan and Mary, the Minnesota Shamrock Princess. And there can only be one Twitter King, the Pfeiffer. Also, we want to thank Alicia and the Second Life Team for doing a bunch of work for us. Everybody’s been really awesome. We are excited to have everybody along with us. So, one of the questions we got on our blog was where did we get the name Southern Gothic Productions. And Kelly and I got to talking when we first started, and we were like oh, what are we gonna name this company? And I’m a huge literature dork, and southern gothic literature is my personal favorite. Kelly is a fan of it as well, and it really kinda tied into the stories that we wanted to tell. What do you think the definition of southern gothic lit is, Nick?
NG: Well, southern gothic literature I think is, well, it’s a take on gothic literature, refined to the American South, and it uses a lot of morally ambiguous figures…
HB: I love moral ambiguity.
NG: … characters. And sometimes it brings in some supernatural elements to drive the plot. But, even if it’s not supernatural, it usually is at least a bit… weird.
HB: Yeah, it’s really quirky. I think the characters in southern gothic literature are so well rounded and so layered. You know, you have your ‘grotesques’, is what they call them, which are the people that are so extreme in whatever they are. Whether it’s like the bible thumper, or, like in a lot of southern gothic literature, the super racist, or like…
NG: Because right before this a lot of people that were writing southern literature, were using the main stereotypes that are incorporated, like the southern debutante. And in southern gothic literature, you’re not really gonna find the debutante unless she is…
HB: A whore with the heart of gold! And who doesn’t love one of those, right?! [laughs] So, that’s kind of the driving force behind the stories we like to tell, you know. We are very character oriented, and Nick’s writing is very southern gothic to me, you know, you really understand how to take a loathsome person and really draw a full picture of them so they can become redeemable and interesting, and lovable to hate! You’re really good at that.
NG: Hmm, villains.
HB: Villians. I love villains.
NG: [looking at stack of books] Well some of these writers are my favorites, so that’s probably where it comes from…
HB: Yeah, we brought some books for you guys. Cause we’re always doing our homework. We are always looking for new short stories, or just new things to inspire us. So, some of my personal favorites… [to Nick] that’s kinda how we became friends cause we had a lot of the same favorites.. are like Carson McCuller’s. [holds up book] This is the book that made her the most famous, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. She was a really young, southern woman, who, you know, put out a book and nobody could believe that she put out such a textured, really controversial book, at like, what, 21 years old? She was really young… [reading back of book] Let’s see..
NG: [Nick points to book] 23.
HB: 23. I apologize. So yeah, Carson McCuller’s The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. My personal favorite is ‘Ballad of Sad CafĂ©.’ I really like that one that she wrote. Have you read McCuller’s?
NG: Yeah, I read this. That’s all I’ve read.
HB: She’s great! She’s fantastic.

Vlog #3: Nick and Hilarie Southern Gothic part 2
NG: My personal favorite is this gal…
HB: [hands him a book] Yeah, you can talk about her.
NG: Flannery O’Connor. This is the complete stories, because Hilarie doesn’t mess around.
HB: I don’t! [laughs]
NG: Flannery O’Connor is so good! She is. There’s 31 stories in here!
HB: I know. You’re gonna steal that aren’t you?
NG: I’m gonna steal this from you! No, I have a funny story about Wise Blood… is one of my favorite novels ever. It’s so good. And I’ve had four copies in my lifetime…
HB: But you keep giving them away, right?
NG: But I… I wish I gave them away, I think people steal them! But, I do, I give it as a gift whenever I’m in doubt about what to give somebody, because it’s such a good book. But I’ve had four in my life, and I currently have none. But Wise Blood is… Wise Blood is a really good example of southern gothic. Have you read Wise Blood?
HB: I don’t think I’ve read that one.
NG: Oh, Wise Blood is so good! It’s about this guy named Hazel Moats, and he’s kinda this wanderer who…
HB: Another thing about southern gothic literature is that the names are awesome!
NG: Names as so good!
HB: Lincoln Booth, guys!
NG: Lincoln Booth. Hazel Moats. Asa Hawks. Enoch Emery. All in this book! Enoch Emery is my second favorite literary character of all time.
HB: Beautiful.
NG: Who’s yours?
HB: Um… oh, god… who do I just, love? I mean, I was gonna say, [holds up another book] Truman Capote’s stuff really, really hits me. My favorite book of his was The Grass Harp and I had a copy of it but I’m pretty sure Mr. Austin Nichols has it right now.
NG: What a surprise…
HB: What a surprise! Theivin’ Nichols. But yeah, no, Truman Capote is such a great example of what the South produces. This appreciation of melancholy, and beauty, and Truman Capote is such a master of the short story. People know him for In Cold Blood. Great book, but I don’t think it holds a candle to his fiction. His short fiction is really fantastic. And I would say, some of my favorite characters are… it’s Dolly, in The Grass Harp. That’s such a beautiful story about a boy who runs away with his aunt… his very old aunt, and her best friend. And they go live in a tree house, out in the woods. What a romantic notion. Maybe we can build a tree house in the cemetery?
NG: We may. [Looking in the distance] That’s such a good tree.
HB: Right? It’s beautiful. You know, it’s the south! It’s live oaks and tree houses.
NG: You have to read Wise Blood, because Enoch, well he thinks he has wise blood, and that means he thinks he can see things in his blood.
HB: Alright, I will read it if they read it. [points to camera]
NG: and he dresses up as a gorilla at one point, and he steals a mummified baby from a zoo or something, or from a museum.
HB: Really? [searching] Hey, where’s that other book?
NG: [finds book] Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
HB: So not only do we just love literature, which… hey P.S, we are gonna start a book club, and what are we gonna call it?
NG: SoGoPros Book Club.
HB: [laughs] So, once a week or so, we are gonna get on, and recommend something that we feel like will fuel the southern gothic fire. And if you need visuals to go along with that, this was a gift from Gary Wheeler, who directed me in the movie ‘The List.’ He’s a southern writer, director, and it’s [pointing to book] Deep South by Sally Mann and it’s this awesome book of photography. You know, it’s just kinda got that blurred, fuzzy, McCobb feeling to it, you know? Like old, tin prints, and you’ve got lots of swamp photos… and it really is… if you are into photography at all, or visuals, it is such a beautiful book… it’s very dark, you probably can’t see it clearly… but it’s super creepy! It’s a great coffee table find, guys. So yeah, if you guys have any suggestions for us, that you think is something that is southern gothic and you think we’d be into to now that you are learning more about our taste, let us know. We love hearing your feedback, and we really, really appreciate all of the support! You guys have been fantastic.
NG: Do you want to play a game?
HB: Okay.
NG: Alright. Yeah, we will play a southern gothic game. This is like MTV. This is bringing you back to MTV.
HB: [laughs] I know!
NG: I’ll say something, and you will say ‘southern gothic’ or ‘not southern gothic.’
HB: Ooh. Okay.
NG: Alright. And we will get to incorporate some of the newer things that have been inspired by the original southern gothic.
HB: Okay.
NG: Okay… ‘No Country For Old Men.’
HB: I don’t think it’s very southern gothic, do you?
NG: [buzzer sound]
HB: You think it is?
NG: I think it’s southern gothic. I think Corman McCarthy is… I think Corman McCarthy is southern gothic.
HB: I mean, it’s southern gothic. I guess, you know what, violence is something, like crazy violence, is something I’m going to have to learn to get along with in southern gothic culture, right? I’m more into like, you know…
NG: You’re more into the dresses…
HB: [laughs] Yeah, I like the dress end of it, and like, dirty New Orleans streets…
NG: Okay. Moving on, moving on.
HB: Moving on, moving on.
NG: As I Lay Dying, William Faulkner.
HB: Ooh. Southern gothic.
NG: Yes. Southern Gothic… Slumdog Millionaire!
HB: Not southern gothic! [laughs]
NG: Not southern gothic.
HB: Although, very good!
NG: Yes, very good… ‘Ode to Billy Joe’ as performed by Bobby Gentry.
HB: I mean, that’s pretty southern, right?
NG: [whispers] Gothic.
HB: [whispers] Southern gothic.
NG: It is. It is… Xanadu.
HB: Not southern gothic. Although, I do love Olivia Newton John.
NG: Xanadu!
HB: [dances] Yeah.
NG: Alright.
HB: Well, what am I? One and four? Alright, anyway, while we continue to amuse each other, you guys have a great day. Thanks for hanging out with us, and we look forward to hearing from you. Bye!
NG: Thank you guys.

Vlog #4: Updates from North Carolina
Hilarie Burton: Hey you guys. Hilarie, hanging out here in my kitchen after a long day of work. I mean, it really wasn’t that long, I had two scenes today. I have a pretty great job. And I’ve always had a very great job, and you know, it was announced yesterday that One Tree Hill was coming back for a season seven! That’s very exciting! And I am very excited for everybody involved. There’s all sorts of rumors flying around about me, and whether or not I’m coming back, and I just want to clear up one thing that’s very important to me, and that is: I want everyone to know how much [pauses] I love Peyton Sawyer, and my crew. [pauses] And I have had a really good run, and I wish I had creative control over the show you guys, and I don’t. But, if I did, it would go on for a million years, and Peyton Sawyer would cry for you all the time, cause she does that! I just don’t want anybody to think I’m abandoning a place that has been very good to me. So, with that being said, I want you guys to watch cause another year of One Tree Hill means another year that my entire crew is employed and working, and that’s the reason Kelly and I started Southern Gothic. It’s because we really believe in everything this area has to offer. It is a wonderful place and it is a really wonderful crew, and I ask that you guys support the show, and you support them, and yeah, watch the rest of season six, it’s gonna be really good! And, in the meantime, we have so much going on with Southern Gothic, and your support has meant the world to me, and I’m excited to see what happens, and unfolds for our little company that could in the next year. But I wanted to let everyone know how appreciative I am, and yeah, this is a good thing. So, thank you guys for caring, and we'll see what happens!

If you guys have any suggestions for me, feel free to comment on this post! Like if you have ways for me to make them clearer or easier to read or whatever, just tell me and I will be glad to help!
Thanks for supporting SGP! and stop by Megan's blog to find out how to leave a little video for SGP to make into a montage for them! thanks =]

Love always,
Nicole T

P.S... PLEASE leave comments telling me about good weather you guys are having. I was just on a trip in Chapel Hill, NC.. where it was snowing, and now im back in jersey, where it is snowing even harder... I NEED SUN!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

advice on selling my soul?

I have been sitting here staring at a blank screen for an hour now, watching the stupid cursor blink on and off, and on and off.
I fought my urge to write a blog entry, because I know i should be writing the essay instead... well screw it. i like you guys better anyways. =]
this is me being stubborn.

I always hated the first day in elementary schools. Do you know why? because you had to write those freaking "hopes and dreams" notes and fill in forms for your teacher that describes you so your teacher would know you in under five words... Who ever tells the truth on those anyways?
One of the essays for the application for the internship is to write about "what personality traits, attitudes, communication style, and work ethic will you bring to the internship?"
I hate these prompts. Does anyone else feel self-centered describing all the seemingly "good qualities" about yourself? and worse yet, what if you don't live up to what you say? What if i think I have a quality, when I really only wish I did?
Wow, that's alot of self doubt. ha. okay i'm done with the self pity rantings but..

Can someone really get to know you through the definition of yourself?
I guess that's where separate recommendations come in...
I feel like i'm selling my soul.
any advice on how to do it well? =]

check out "Back to Where I Was" by Eric Hutchinson
refreshing voice and an acoustic guitar =happiness

"I resolve to regain my voice"

Monday, February 16, 2009

shameless advertising, inspirations, and late resolutions

Inspiration. That's what today has been all about for me.
It started by waking up to "What's So Funny 'bout Peace Love and Understanding" by Elvis Costello on my alarm clock (which will most likely be Nicole's blog song recommendation for the day) That song always inspires me. It "found" me after the Virginia Tech shootings, which I think was the same moment I really fell in love with Elvis Costello. Although the beat and melodies may not match the situation, the lyrics fit perfectly, and it gave me inspiration on that day just by allowing me to relate to something. At the time I just felt so confused, and that song, and Elvis, let me know, as usual, that I'm not alone in that feeling.
Gotta love some cheesy music loving =]

continuing on my cheesy run.. (ha. that made me giggle) and continuing on my day, I read the new blog update on SoGoPro (you know you wanna visit) by Miss Hilarie Burton... which just reinvigorated my love for the arts. It was perfect timing for that post, which was written beautifully, might I add...
and I just read Megan Mary's blog (shameless advertising number two) who I found through SoGoPro connections. Her blog was inspired by Hilarie's blog, and now it inspired me, and everything it just coming round full circle today! Definitely check it out =]

So... today I dug up my resolutions list. For the past five years I have written down all my resolutions on this one sheet of paper. No one knows about it except me, and I guess now the millions of people on the internet (i guess THATS not a secret anymore...)
It's not really a new years resolution type thing, because I write them down whenever, but I only really look at it about twice a year, on the days where I am feeling inspired, because I guess thats when I am most likely to write down what I truly want.
I was able to cross off two things that I have accomplished by now.. and no i am not going to divulge all my personal hopes and dreams to you strange people on the internet.. such as my resolution to single-handedly save each child from poverty, create world peace, and create the first all-girl rock band on the moon.....
ha. just kidding. except about the third one... =P
I was thinking of my new ones, while looking at my old ones, all at the same time as thinking about all the inspiring things I have read today, and I finally wrote down "to get the NYC internship and really TRY at it."
So, the story with this internship is: I have wanted to do it for two summers now, and last summer, I was going to apply, but i never sent in the application because I was being a baby and got intimidated by the whole thing. and i have regretted it ever since.
The thing is, i KNOW i would be good at it, and i KNOW i would love it, but for some reason i can't bring myself to really believe it... I would be interning on film sets through this one company that places interns (If i got it), so I'm just worried I don't have enough experience. I mean, I have been around tv production all my life with all the classes I have taken but I've never been part of a, like, real deal project before, if you know what i mean.
But thats enough self-doubt for the day, because after reading everyone else's dreams, its about time for me to accomplish mine.
I just printed out the application. wish me luck.

and as promised, check out "(What's So Funny 'bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding" by Elvis Costello... and pay more attention to the lyrics, than the melody. trust me =]

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Universe of Constants

Before I entertain you with my brilliant storytelling of the night that actually has something to do with the title of this post, I have a different random story to rant about. 
Facebook. El libro de cara. I have my ups and downs with this site. Some days I will guiltily be glued to it, and other days i sware to be too "above" it and could care less.. (Always a lie, by the way. Even though most of my time on Facebook is spent trying to figure out what the hell 'poking' is... If anyone wants to tell me the point of it, please do!) Anyways, so as most of the people with Facebook probably know, its normal to friend request people you know, or even just kind of know, but most of the time you friend request those who go to the same school as you, live in the same area, share the same friends, etc. I'm not really fond of friend requesting people in the first place. I guess I would rather have people request me. (Does that make me a facebook snob??) 
Well, today, I became a fan of the Southern Gothic Productions group. And since alot of the people who are also part of the group comment on their blog (check out their blog to show support! =] ) I was going through the list of fans and friend requesting them, because I am assuming most would understand and know me from the blog. Well, I obviously was not paying attention, and by the end of the list I went back to look it over, and I noticed two guys with the last name Burton... and i'm thinking it might be the brothers of Hilarie Burton, a.k.a the co-creator of SoGoPro... and I feel like a complete idiot, because, since they wouldn't know me from the blog, they will probably think i'm alot sketchier than I am.. I mean i'm weird, but not in that way ;]
So, if anyone wants to share their embarrassing friend request stories, please share so I can make myself feel better. Or maybe I am just reading too much into friend requesting... Would poking be more appropriate?

Alright, I will get back on the title topic just to stop the confusion...
Things change in life all the time, right? I mean events change, people change, decisions take us in different directions... but it feels really good when you can depend on things. But i mean really depend on things.
And it doesn't have to be something big to rely on. For example, as corny as it might sound, there is this one star that shines right in the center of my window every night, and no matter what, it is there. The days where all I want to do is go to sleep, so i throw myself on the bed, regrets from a bad day racing through my head, and I look over, and the star is in the same exact place I left it. It kinda keeps me sane, you know? Like it reminds me that the world isn't changing as fast as it may seem.
I guess, music is another main constant in my life. I rely on my CD collection to get me through anything and everything, because I know that no matter what, those songs will always be there, and those artists will never fail to save me with their music. (See, thats the good thing about trusty CDs. All you music industry ruiners who download illegal music can just lose all your music in the blink of a computer screen. so HA. that'll teach you...)
So, think about it, and try to think of all the constants in your life. It could be bigger things like family, supportive friends, a job, or the smaller things, like my twinkling star (go ahead, allow yourself to sing the song), and maybe take some time to be grateful for them. You never know when things will change.

Sermon over. =]

Going old school today: listen to "I'll Be Seeing You" by Billie Holiday... because I refused to post a romantic song yesterday...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hey Cupid? Slowly hand over the arrow.

So, I'm guessing I should say HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!
And I am also guessing that I can't lie, and pretend that i'm not the girl who is sitting alone on her couch at 9:00 on Valentine's Day...
but don't feel bad for me, folks, because I am not alone.
I've got a dvd copy of Blood Diamond (perfect Valentine's Day movie right?), some good old Hershey nuggets, and my trusty blog to keep me company.
Now, although I would love to stay OFF the topic of love, my thoughts keep returning there... and I promise this next story will lead there eventually..

If I could choose any animal to be, I think I would be a raccoon. (That is only if I couldn't be a cheetah. For those who don't know me.. yet... I think cheetahs are officially the coolest creatures on the planet. hands down.)
So you are probably thinking, "wow, this chick is weird. One second she's talking about world events, the next ranting about love, and now raccoons?" But don't be alarmed my friends because it all ties together.
I mean, besides the whole rabies issue they have going on, raccoons are pretty cool, right? alright, maybe not.
MAYBE this raccoon love is stemming more from the fact that I am in the presence of raccoons right now. It's late at night, and from my couch, I can see two raccoons bathing in the canal outside my window.
I guess the best thing about being a raccoon would be the fact that they pretty much live during the night. Now, I may be biased, because I am definitely not a day person, but I would probably give anything to only be awake during the night. It is so peaceful, and mysterious... a.k.a the perfect words to describe me...
HA. just kidding. I don't think a blog allows me to describe myself as mysterious.
Anyways, I don't know if this is like, regular raccoon behavior, but these two raccoons have been bathing each other for about 10 minutes, and now they have taken up residence in the small amount of light that is escaping from window and has formed a small box on the grass. They are just laying there, bodies intertwined, noses pushed up against each other, staring each other in the eyes.
Number 1, since when do raccoons like the light? and number 2, how come even the animals seem to know its valentine's day?
that's just weird.
glad to know someone is sure of their love that they are willing to throw a spotlight on it...

so apparently my habit is to end each post with a new song...

for all those super COOL people out there who are also chilling on their couch tonight...
"Psychotic Girl" by the Black Keys..... feel the attitude, cause it's spilling out of the song.

Friday, February 13, 2009

What's the point of news?

okay, so I am going to attempt to write this post without sounding selfish, because that is not the point I am trying to make, nor how I feel. This is merely an examination of a question.

Recently, a teacher presented us with the question: Why is it important to update yourself on world news? and Is is important to know the location of all countries?
As soon as the question "Do you personally think it is important?"came out of the teachers mouth, hands of almost every student in the room shot up in the air. We have been taught since we were born that the news was important, so why question it now?
Not the least bit surprised by the amount of hands in the air, the teacher nodded and called on one eager looking girl.
"It is very important for us to know" she answered proudly.
The teacher paused, and followed up with "Besides the fact that none of us would admit to being selfish, why is it important?" That left the girl speechless.

Why is it important?
Growing up, I have always followed the news. Being a film geek, I have watched many documentaries and indie films and big screen dramas highlighting the many issues going on around the world today. When I was younger, I dreamed of being a journalist of world news. And there I was, not having the answer to a seemingly simple question.

I understand the need to know if you are planning to go out and change the world. If you are planning to have an effect on a situation, it might be helpful to know just a tad bit of information on it. But most people do not see themselves traveling to different continents, single handedly saving men and women and children from the dangers of the world... yet they still read newspapers and stay updated.

Is it to make polite dinner conversations? So a husband can say to his wife "Say, Honey, did you hear about that group that is terrorizing Southern Sudan, ravaging the country, killing innocent civilians?" and his wife can reply, "No, thats just terrible." and they can go on eating their store bought meat loaf, sipping red wine.

Is it so we can constantly reassure ourselves that our lives are better? "Well, I'm having a sucky day. Maybe i will just read up on some unwanted children in China, and I will feel so much better about my parents who love me but I don't talk to because they won't pay my bills."

I know there is a reason out there. There has to be, right?
If you have any idea. I would love to know.

Maybe this blog will eventually lead me to an answer...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First post! =]

Blogging = online diary  = everyone can see it.
good or bad thing?

well, a new blog, to go with a new start.
a new year, a new president, a big change.

I think everyone has felt inspired by the new change in office. No matter if you are Republican or Democrat, white or black, young or old. I know I feel more inspired to make a change and to dream bigger.

speaking of dreaming, I wanted to make a quick shout out to Hilarie Burton. I started blogging because i subscribed to her Southern Gothic blog, which forces you to become a member (to subscribe to someone the site makes you sign up) , and after looking around the site I decided to try my own. But anyways, everyone should subscribe to her blog. The more followers she has, the more support she will get from investors, and I have a feeling a lot of really good movies and stories could come out of this company. One of her dreams was to make this work, and I would love to see it happen!

Back to Obama, I have been replaying's song "Yes We Can" alot recently. I love how i still feel inspired after the election and inaugration. The "Yes We Can" speech is beautiful, and truly captured the essence of it in this song. So check it out! =]

"But in the unlikely story that is America, there is never anything false about HOPE"