Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First post! =]

Blogging = online diary  = everyone can see it.
good or bad thing?

well, a new blog, to go with a new start.
a new year, a new president, a big change.

I think everyone has felt inspired by the new change in office. No matter if you are Republican or Democrat, white or black, young or old. I know I feel more inspired to make a change and to dream bigger.

speaking of dreaming, I wanted to make a quick shout out to Hilarie Burton. I started blogging because i subscribed to her Southern Gothic blog, which forces you to become a member (to subscribe to someone the site makes you sign up) , and after looking around the site I decided to try my own. But anyways, everyone should subscribe to her blog. The more followers she has, the more support she will get from investors, and I have a feeling a lot of really good movies and stories could come out of this company. One of her dreams was to make this work, and I would love to see it happen!

Back to Obama, I have been replaying's song "Yes We Can" alot recently. I love how i still feel inspired after the election and inaugration. The "Yes We Can" speech is beautiful, and truly captured the essence of it in this song. So check it out! =]

"But in the unlikely story that is America, there is never anything false about HOPE"