First of all, I would like to point you to something new I added to the blog. I felt bad making new posts with the SGP transcripts on here, because I feel like if people came here to read them they won't be able to find them, so I added quick links to the specific blog entry on the right. I am debating whether to make a separate blog? That would probably be better right? Tell me what you think.
But anyways, I am hoping for a new SGP vlog soon because I am dying with nothing to transcribe!
So now to the real reason of my post. I should definitely NOT be posting right now but I am the master procrastinator. And something has been bothering me all day today.
Yesterday I was reading an article with some actress ( I am already forgetting the name... oh lord its been a long day), and she was talking about body image in America today, especially among young girls. And how girls are constantly looking up to the women they see in the media who are either stick thin, or constantly airbrushed in every picture of them. And it makes me so angry because, honestly, most of those women are not REAL! Or at least not what their pictures portray them as. Even those actresses who promote body image and are truly beautiful without being photoshopped are airbrushed for photo shoots.
It has such an effect on the personal images that young girls have on themselves. I should know, because I am one! One of my best friends had an eating disorder two years ago. I wasn't friends with her at the time, but thinking about what she went through makes my heart break. She is gorgeous, and has a completely normal (and damn near perfect) body, and I can't imagine her ever wanting to change anything about herself. I hate to think of any of my friends thinking they are ugly, and especially not to the point where they want to starve themselves because of it. Just live life, you know? You might as well enjoy the bread, now.
But why do us girls have this constant need to look perfect, anyways? And who defines perfect? Are we doing it to get more guys? Because, let's be honest, once you find "that guy" he is not gonna care what you look like because he has already fallen in love with YOU. (BTW, I feel like most girls think GUYS define "perfect." This is so not true, and people need to stop thinking it. Only you decide what's perfect.) So maybe its so we can be seen as beautiful by other girls? I think what most of us don't realize is that we all have the same issues with our bodies. When girls bring other girls down about their appearances its most likely a form of self-defense about our own view of ourselves anyways.
So the last thing left is that we want to look perfect for ourselves. I feel like thats always the main reason why women are so obsessed with our image. We want to feel beautiful. And if we lack the self esteem to convince ourselves that we all are beautiful, then we are forced to rely on others, such as guys and girls, which brings us full circle back to the other reasons I mentioned.
It drives me crazy to think that the entertainment industry promotes such unhealthy body images. I wish I could say they don't realize the impact it has on girls, but the sad thing is that they obviously do. How is it possible that a size TWO is considered curvy in our society? The only size under that is a size zero... which isn't even a number. WHAT?
This whole issue frustrates me so much. I just wish every girl out there had one of those girlfriends who can always be counted on to make them feel awesome no matter what, you know? Or maybe a boyfriend who assures them that they are beautiful.
I try to be that girl for my friends, but it's not always easy on those days when you are lacking the usual self-esteem as well. But I guess that is what friends are for!
so GIRLS, if i were to give you any assignment this week, it would be to make your friends feel beautiful at some random moment. It may be cheesy, but hey, you never know when you can make someone's day! (and boys, you can do it too. ;] )
Love always,
Nicole T
check out Dove's Campaign For Real Beauty and look up statistics in the city near you.
It's pretty shocking. In Philadelphia, the MAJORITY of girls reported that they engaged in negative activities such as disordered eating, cutting, bullying, smoking, or drinking when feeling bad about themselves....
... i guess my writer's block is over.
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