Recently, a teacher presented us with the question: Why is it important to update yourself on world news? and Is is important to know the location of all countries?
As soon as the question "Do you personally think it is important?"came out of the teachers mouth, hands of almost every student in the room shot up in the air. We have been taught since we were born that the news was important, so why question it now?
Not the least bit surprised by the amount of hands in the air, the teacher nodded and called on one eager looking girl.
"It is very important for us to know" she answered proudly.
The teacher paused, and followed up with "Besides the fact that none of us would admit to being selfish, why is it important?" That left the girl speechless.
Why is it important?
Growing up, I have always followed the news. Being a film geek, I have watched many documentaries and indie films and big screen dramas highlighting the many issues going on around the world today. When I was younger, I dreamed of being a journalist of world news. And there I was, not having the answer to a seemingly simple question.
I understand the need to know if you are planning to go out and change the world. If you are planning to have an effect on a situation, it might be helpful to know just a tad bit of information on it. But most people do not see themselves traveling to different continents, single handedly saving men and women and children from the dangers of the world... yet they still read newspapers and stay updated.
Is it to make polite dinner conversations? So a husband can say to his wife "Say, Honey, did you hear about that group that is terrorizing Southern Sudan, ravaging the country, killing innocent civilians?" and his wife can reply, "No, thats just terrible." and they can go on eating their store bought meat loaf, sipping red wine.
Is it so we can constantly reassure ourselves that our lives are better? "Well, I'm having a sucky day. Maybe i will just read up on some unwanted children in China, and I will feel so much better about my parents who love me but I don't talk to because they won't pay my bills."
I know there is a reason out there. There has to be, right?
If you have any idea. I would love to know.
Maybe this blog will eventually lead me to an answer...
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