Monday, April 27, 2009

Where SGP fans unite...

So, i've got an interesting story of the day for you guys...

I was getting ready to go out today, and I was in a rush because I had a bunch of errands to run, and I was basically throwing on any clothes I could find in my room. I happened to have one of my SGP shirts sitting on the dresser, so I threw it on (very proudly, might I add).
Since it was an INCREDIBLY nice day, I didn't even need a jacket, and I could show off my shirt to anyone who has the ability to read quickly as I come rushing by (I am quite the speed walker when on a mission). Anyways, I went to the market first (or grocery store, or supermarket, or whatever) and I was basically focused on getting out fast because of everything on my mind. I was grabbing some fiji apples when I hear someone ask from behind me "Southern Gothic Productions?" and since I basically respond to those three words as my birth name by now, I quickly turned around with a grin on my face. I had never seen this guy before, which was odd, because I come from a pretty small town and most people I see at the market are people I know. The conversation basically went like this
Me: "YES! Do you know of SoGoPro?"
Guy: "I have been following them for a little over a month now. I ordered a t-shirt recently as well. They look nice."
"Yeah, I have a few! I'm glad you bought one though. It's so awesome to hear of so many people supporting them. They are going to make something great...."

and then we introduced ourselves. He said his name was Chris? If i remember correctly, but he is not part of the chat, he said. He said he was from out of state (someone try to convince me it WASN'T fate that brought us to fuji apples at the same time.. it won't work) and he is involved in the film industry in some way, and got introduced to the production company by a friend who's daughter told him about it? Chris said he didn't know of Hilarie beforehand, either, which was cool that SGP is spreading besides just with an OTH audience.
I was still in a rush so I couldn't talk much longer, but it was so awesome to meet another SGP fan face to face. He was genuinely into the company and it was cool to be able to have a conversation with someone who sees the same things I do. 

What a small, small world :)

love always,
Nicole T

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How 'bout that P.E.?

Physical education? no.
Psychic experience? yes.

So, being inspired by SGP, I decided to find a loca
l psychic to get a reading done. I knew of one near me, but I wasn't sure about it, so I was talking to my friend's family friend, who happens to be a psychic (not a paid one, but probably could be), and she travels all over to meet with psychics, and it turns out that the one near me happened to be very reliable, so I decided to go to her.
(Just to throw it out there, I totally rocked my SGP shirt there. I was planning on possibly taking a picture, but that didn't happen :( )

Anyways, I decided to get a tarot card readin
g done, because it was the cheapest and was the "walk-in special."
So, when I was shuffling the cards, one fell on the ground, because these cards were HUGE and I have pretty tiny hands... and she gave me this look like that card was going to curse me... and I tried to look at it, but I didn't want to make a big deal, but now I wish I knew what it was..

The first thing she told me was that I was going to live a very long life, which I was very happy about. I always had this fear of going into a reading to hear that you are going to die within 24 hours...
and then for the next 5 minutes she talked about all this confusion and decision weighing and communication issues in my life that I won't get into on here and bore you all to death.

ANYWAYS, the important part...
At the end, since it was just a light reading, I could ask the cards one questions, so I asked about my future career path, and whether I will continue further into film, as I am focused on it right now...
now, let me fill you in on some background knowledge.
I have been focused on film for a while now. I am still not completely decided on what aspect of film I would like to work in. My dream job is a music supervisor, but since that is a very hard job to achieve, I have been in search of a job that will keep me on set, but also doing something that I love. 
now back to the psychic.
when I asked her this question. she instantaneously said "no." just like that.
then she followed up that I might continue in the industry, but not where I think I want to be right now. She proceeded to tell me about how I am attracted to film because I am a person who lives inside my head, kind of like fantasy... which is true, in a way.
but then she went on to say.... "I am feeling another job though.. Have you ever thought about writing?"

Writing. a.k.a. the occupation I wrote about in my last post.
It was just freaky because I had been thinking alot about that recently.

Now, I'm a pretty determined person. I am also stubborn, and love proving people wrong. so when she tells me that I'm not going to do it, I want to prove fate wrong.
Then again, she also told me that "there would be a distractor who will pull you away from your career choice, and tell you it's not the correct one..." .... oh, irony....

there's my rambling. enjoy.

Nicole T

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Back to boring personal posts...

Whew. I haven't posted in forever. I decided that since I am going to delete all the transcripts off this site to lead people to the new one... (SHAMELESS ADVERTISING).. that maybe I should do something exciting here to liven it up.
I know it won't be as exciting as the wonderfully hilarious transcripts BUT here it goes...

So, I have been meaning to do a post based off a quote for almost a month now but never got around to it.
It's a quote by an awesome writer who has inspired me crazy amounts recently..
Many of you might know him...
This quote came to me one night in the SGP chat when he was wonderful enough to stop by. I wrote it down the second I read it because it just sparked something in me. I can't explain it.. do you know what I mean? Anyways, we were talking about good writing or something along those lines.. or muses.. or whatever SoGoPro chat people tend to talk about... and he said...

"...and that is often how something completely random becomes something completely pertinent in these little words..."
-Nicholas Gray

and something about that quote just touched me. I think it was feeding to the writer in me. I grew up reading novels all the time(in fact, I started reading chapter books at such a young age that some stranger from Princeton saw me reading once and wanted to conduct tests on me. true story. My dad walked away muttering something about a lab rat...). I always seemed to find more comfort in the worlds of Boxcar Children or Ethiopian princesses or whatever I was reading about that day than in the world I was actually living in. And that was why I always wanted to be a writer. On the first day of Second grade, we had to write our hopes and dreams for the school year on a sheet of paper, and wrote "I want to write a book so I can give little girls a fun world to go into."... and that has been my dream ever since.
But when I grew up, I found out that there was such a thing as the Arts that extended far beyond just writing. I could express myself through song or dance or film or painting... and that was when I truly fell in love with movie-making and television and just anything to do with film. Now I could show people that world I was always comfortable in.
So, since then, I have been working towards getting involved in the film business, and I guess, although it has always been in me, I kind of forgot about my original die-hard love for writing and reading.
And Nick's quote reminded me again of the power of words. Just simple words. Three words can make something "completely pertinent". 
and I love that.

so props to Nicholas. for being awesome.
heres to his year.

love always,

Thursday, April 9, 2009


so, as I have been promising for a while now, yet have been a lazy procrastinator, I have finally made the new official transcript website!

You can find the new and improved version here:

I hope that makes things a little less confusing...
In a little bit I will be permanently deleting the transcripts off of this blog. But for now, I am going to keep them on just in case.

I will get back to personal blogs here, if that is alright with all of you. Feel free to stay whenever!

love always,
Nicole T